Your circular economy partner.

What we do.

Consulting in circular economy and sustainability

We assist our partners in developing and enhancing sustainability and circularity within their strategies and operations, employing a multidisciplinary, evidence-based, pragmatic, and results-oriented approach.

  • External project management and technical support
    We manage projects of strategic importance in the circular economy field for clients in the electronics and plastic manufacturing industries. Additionally, we offer on-demand technical support, such as enabling reuse and refurbishment business models.

    Contributing to the FOEN "Vollzugshilfe" by defining the state of the art of e-waste recycling in Switzerland with a focus on documentation and material flow assessment.

Applied research and academic collaboration

As an Empa spin-off, we aim to translate the most promising innovations in sustainability and circular economy into practical applications. We achieve this by participating in research projects in collaboration with academic and industry partners.

  • Swiss Plastic Pipe Recycling SPPR
    Leading an industry-wide initiative to establish and operate a recycling system for plastic pipe waste and associated packaging waste.

    Strategic consulting for a plastics recycling association in the medical sector
    Elaboration of an expansion and professionalization strategy for an association specialized in reverse logistics and recycling of plastic waste in the medical sector. This involves developing a financial and operational plan to improve efficiency, introducing new sustainability-linked services, broadening the scope of memberships and partnerships, diversifying the types of waste addressed, and expanding collaboration with other organizations.

Strategic consulting for recycling and take-back systems

We provide guidance to both new and existing recycling and take-back systems on a range of topics, including management and operations, monitoring systems, sustainability certification, and financing solutions.

  • Integrated assessment of environmental benefits and economic costs of separate recycling for car-embedded electronics

    Development of a combined mass flow analysis, Life Cycle Assessment and economic analysis model to provide fact-based and coherent data to policymakers and stakeholders in the automotive sector to identify and prioritize the most favorable electronic devices. Ongoing integration of recommendations in Swiss and European legislations on vehicle and electronics recycling by policymakers.

    Waste Indicator development
    Development of an indicator system for the Swiss waste sector based on policy targets and available national data. Technical advise regarding the development of specific indicators for e-waste recycling.

Conformity, compliance and monitoring

We conduct audits and assessments for recycling systems to ensure compliance with established regulations, standards, and guidelines. This includes verifying that recycling installations operate safely, efficiently, and responsibly.

  • Monitoring and control of the Swiss E-waste recycling sector
    Auditing of Swiss e-waste recycling companies regarding compliance with relevant technical standards. Monitoring technological developments and material flows as a member of the Swico / SENS technical commission.

    Plastic Recycling Monitoring System
    Development of a monitoring system for plastic recycling flows in Switzerland. Initially deployed for household packaging, it is now increasingly applied to other plastic waste streams. This system monitors the recycling of over 13,000 tons of waste plastics annually (as of 2023).

International Collaboration

We contribute to international collaboration projects in the Global South focused on waste management and recycling of plastics, electronic waste, and batteries. Additionally, we engage in capacity building activities in these domains.

  • Building a socially inclusive e-waste dismantling facility in the Global South
    The Ecowork project aims to foster social inclusion and close material value chains and is being piloted in India. This includes the setup of the facility and operations, management of an Indian team consisting of four employees and continuous attention to financial planning and budgeting.

    ISO Standard: Secondary materials recovery

    As part of the working group we actively contribute to the development of the ISO 59014 standard, focusing on enhancing sustainability and traceability within secondary materials recovery processes.

Science and sustainability Communication

We disseminate our experiences and expertise by participating in conferences, academic courses, and various events. Our audiences span from the general public to specialized groups, including field specialists, policy-makers, and corporate leaders.

  • University Lecture “Introduction to Circular Economy”

    Preparation and delivery of a university lecture covering the definition and fundamental principles of circular economy, along with its scope of application and supported by numerous practical examples and case studies.

    FAQ report, seminars and webinars on the life cycle of E-vehicle batteries
    Compilation of current scientific insights on e-vehicle batteries and their utilization in Switzerland into a comprehensive report intended for a wide audience, commissioned by the Federal Office of Energy. Communication of the report's findings through a series of webinars and seminars conducted in both French and German languages.

We are Volutio.

With a collective experience spanning over 20 years in the circular economy, our team brings together a diverse range of skills and insights. We operate at the interface between Industry, Research, and Policy, leveraging our understanding of each domain to drive meaningful change. As a spin-off of Empa, Switzerland's interdisciplinary research institute for materials science and technology, Volutio builds bridges between academic research and the practical applications of the circular economy.

  • Dea holds a Master's Degree in Environmental Sciences from ETH Zurich and a CAS in Resilient Supply Chain Management from EPFL. She has been working on assessment methods and performance evaluation in regards to circularity and environmental benefits and has been engaged in the development of the ISO Standard on the recovery of secondary materials. Furthermore, she has gained a deep understanding of waste systems, challenges and potential solutions during her work assignments for Empa, the World Economic Forum, UN-IETC and ISWA among others. As co-founder of Ecowork, a co-working facility for e-waste dismantling in India and a zero waste store in Switzerland she is familiar with challenges arising in the prevention and managing of wastes as well as business operations in various contexts. In her free time, you can find her planting fruit trees, sailing, hiking in the mountains or brewing cider.

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  • Michael draws from a wide background of local and international work experiences as a business developer, entrepreneur, and product and project manager in the sustainability and circular economy sectors. He holds degrees in Management, Technology, and Economics, as well as Environmental Science and Adult Education. His areas of expertise encompass strategy development and execution, circular business models, organizational development, multi-stakeholder projects, project management, plastic recycling, logistics, and the establishment of monitoring and take-back systems.

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  • Charles Marmy is an environmental engineer and scientist, holding an MSc in the field from EPFL. Originally from Lausanne, Charles pursued his education in the same city and began his career in the region as an engineer and project manager in an engineering consulting company, primarily focusing on the waste management sector. While maintaining his professional network in Romandie, Charles then relocated to Zurich, where he joined Empa as a scientist and project manager, while also involving himself in local politics. A generalist at heart, Charles works on circular economy initiatives across various domains and in four languages. He strongly believes that considering multiple perspectives and disciplines is the most effective approach to address the complex challenges of our society. Currently, he is actively engaged in diverse fields such as electric mobility, recycling, environmental assessment, applied research, and science for policy.

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  • After completing his studies at EPFL (BSc in Environmental Engineering, MSc in Energy Management and Sustainability), Andreas joined Empa, where he specialized in sustainable waste management with a strong focus on recycling systems. As an expert in electronic waste recycling, he is part of the auditing team for Swiss electronic waste recyclers and provides consulting services in international projects related to the development of national norms, establishment of conformity assessment schemes, and evaluation of locally adapted solutions for problematic waste streams. During his tenure at Empa, Andreas has also collaborated closely with the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment on the development of national waste indicators and the definition of the state of the art in e-waste recycling for Switzerland.

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Our Mission and Values.

We support our partners in their journey towards a sustainable circular economy, utilizing our expertise and experience based on current best practices and most recent innovations.

In doing so, we are guided by a core set of values that define who we are and how we operate:

  • Pragmatism and Legacy

    We believe in working solutions over idealistic ones and are committed to bringing them into reality, to make the world a sustainable place for future generations.

  • Collaboration and Responsibility

    We believe that lasting change can only be achieved through collaboration and integration of diverse perspectives because all stakeholders have a role to play in bringing forward a sustainable circular economy.

  • Integrity and Excellence

    To earn and keep the trust of our partners, we strive for excellence in our work and are committed to continuous improvement. We hold transparency, integrity and honesty as our fundamental principles.

Get in touch.

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Volutio GmbH

Sengelbachweg 18

CH-5000 Aarau